Katharine Gibbs School

Friday, April 07, 2006

Katharine Gibbs School Programs - Click Here

Katharine Gibbs School: Enhance Your Career

Katharine Gibbs Schools are a part of a family of schools established in 1911. Katharine Gibbs Schools have earned a reputation for preparing students for rewarding professional careers. Katharine Gibbs Schools are dedicated to the development and professional growth of their students, as well as in contributing to the community at large. At Katharine Gibbs School, students are exposed to industry-current technologies and are given the opportunity to gain hands-on experience through comprehensive programs.

Katharine Gibbs School: Relevant Curricula

For over 90 years Katharine Gibbs Schools have been preparing graduates for rewarding professional careers. Currently, there are four Katharine Gibbs Schools throughout the Northeastern United States. The purpose of Katharine Gibbs Schools is to provide its students with the foundation for lifelong learning. Whether they choose to continue their education at Katharine Gibbs Schools or anywhere else, or enter the workforce, the Katharine Gibbs School graduates are trained to succeed.

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